Lucinda Hawksley

Saturday Morning Beard Fact

By the time the Crimean War came to an end in 1856, the face of British men had changed irrevocably. As the regiments of heavily bearded men began to be sent home, the beard became recognised as the sign of … Continue reading

Saturday Morning Beard Fact

The Crimean War marked the beginning of the most prolific age of facial hair that Britain had seen for centuries.The War, which began for Britain in 1854, was fought in a climate that was often bitterly cold, meaning that many … Continue reading

Saturday Morning Beard Fact

One artist who documented the changing ideals of facial hair throughout the 1850s was Stephen Pearce. Those who sat for his painting The Arctic Council Planning a Search for John Franklin display only a few whiskers and neck beards, but … Continue reading

Saturday Morning Beard Fact

By the time of his unexpectedly early death in 1870 the size and quality of Charles Dickens’s beard had been well and truly overtaken by those of many of his contemporaries. An unwitting pogonotrophical feud would resurface in the twenty-first … Continue reading

Saturday Morning Beard Fact

In addition to writing novels, Charles Dickens maintained a career as a journalist and magazine editor. In 1853 he commissioned an article entitled “Why Shave?’ for his periodical Household Words. It was written by the magazine’s editor William Henry Wills, … Continue reading

Saturday Morning Beard Fact

‘And people did say … that when he began to have whiskers he left off having brains.’ Charles Dickens, Dombey and Son, 1848 Moustaches, Whiskers & Beards by Lucinda Hawksley, National Portrait Gallery     Save

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Saturday Morning Beard Fact

By the turn of the twentieth century, beards were worn mostly by grumpy old men, and in 1904 the writer and humorist Frank Richardson coined the expression ‘face fungus’. Although he is little read today, Richardson was popular in his … Continue reading

Beard Shopping – Vintage Plate

Let’s talk about this Vintage beard plate on Etsy UK Unique 27cm Vintage beard plate on Etsy UK with Victorian Medical illustrations from an extensive collection of obscure bandaging techniques. A unique, one-off, up-cycled vintage plate. Only one available £35. Decorated … Continue reading

Saturday Morning Beard Fact

In 1904 a London County Council report stated that anyone suffering from ring-worm of the beard (a scourge of the day) must not be served in the barbers, hairdressers’ or haircutting shops’. This clause was seen even more important than … Continue reading

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